Geometry: Went over the Unit 7 review, Unit 7 test is Monday, April 27.
ELA - Students made time-lines of the Civil War and of their characters' lives in their Historical Books in their Reader's Workshop Day 10. The Civil War Time Line should have the events leading up to the war and will fill in the events they learn about in Humanities as they progress. The two time-lines may not match up- but both should be complete by May 11th. Homework: Read, WIR# (due Wed)
Technology - Students continued their Family Budget Investigation. All directions and rubric are located conveniently on the Google Classroom. Students should be keeping a Design Folder with evidence of their Investigate, Design, Create and Evaluate.
Investigate- Spreadsheet, print evidence of expenses, bibliography.
Design - Task list from packet, rough draft of speech and visual aid.
Create - final print out of project, Process Journal from packet
Evaluate - Rubric and after project is presented hand back in with Evaluation Essay
Due dates:
Investigate - Wednesday, April 29
Design/Plan - Friday, May 1
Presentations will begin Tuesday, May 5
RR Math: Test Monday. Please study your notes and math problems in your book. Remember the strategies I taught you for how to study math. Math packets are also due on Monday.
RR English: Read- 5 days. Signed logs are due Monday.
Humanities: Students checked chapter 15 assessment and shared current events in class. No homework. Please note that current grades in skyward are not accurate. Due to a computer situation, all grades are registered as E's. Homework completion is accurate, but percentages are wrong. This problem will be fixed early next week. I apologize for any confusion.