Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Spanish 2

Students practiced conjugations and verb meanings to prepare for the conjugation quiz that they will take tomorrow.


Classwork: Began section 1.6 on proofs by playing the BHS game and working through algebraic proofs. Quizzes were returned and students were reminded that quizzes are low-stakes assessments meant to help practice. We also talked about the philosophy of teamwork during partner quizzes.

Homework: Intro to Proofs 1.6 add on notes #3-6 (A,B,C)

Coming Soon! Unit 1 Test Tuesday October 11


Students should have their IB learner profiles finished with descriptions and colored pictures. This is due today for Mr. Greer and is to be in the back of notebooks for Mrs. Wilcox's classes.

Today we started our second investigation on systems, variables, and change. We finished steps #1-4. Students also did reading from the textbook on physics, systems, and variables. Their notes are in their notebook so ask your student to share these with you.

Ramin - ELA

- Narrative Poetry - Day 7. Students had time to type up their narrative poems and began thinking about the visual aspect of their final poem.

Discussion Starter: What STORY does your poem tell? What narrative elements are present? What literary devices were used?

- Finish typing your poem (if not finished in class). Be ready for peer review/teacher conferencing tomorrow.
- Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Important Dates

F 10/30: Narrative Poems due

F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check (less than two weeks away!!)

W 11/2: AR Points Due



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Canvasser Tuesday 9.27.16

RR ELA- If you did not turn in your reading log yesterday, you may do so tomorrow for late points. The new log is due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16) the math test will also be on Monday (10.10.16). The  Red group can finish workbook pages ( day one), if you did not complete in class. Your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

* Bring your AR book to class daily*