Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sept. 9

Science-Petersen: Signed letters are due Friday, students must have all supplies by Monday.

Geometry: Signed letters are due Friday, studnets must have all supplies by Monday.

Algebra: Pre Read Chapter 1, Section 1

Algebra 2: 1.1 Homework

Course 3: Pre Read Chapter 1, Section 1

Pre Algebra: No homework.

Language Arts: Journal entry #1: What is the best thing about summer vacation? What is the worst thing? Why/discuss. Survival kit activity. HW: Bring a reading book to class. Students will be taking the Botel assessment test. Finish their journal if it was not completed in class. Signatures are due Friday.

Journalism: Discussed the 5 W's and How of writing. The class also discussed the writing process. Students did a personality profile interview on each other. HW: Work on their personality profile interview.

Spanish: All Spanish students must memorize the follwing:
Hoy es jueves, el diez de septiembre. Es el tercer día de la esuela. Ayer fue miércoles y mañana es viernes.