Monday, September 28, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 9/28/15

Writer's Workshop - Narrative Poetry - Day #2. We reviewed the elements of narrative verse and read several mentor poems.

READ! :)

Class Website: (sign up for Remind101, view course documents, etc.)

Geometry- Monday, September 28

Classwork: Investigated constructions of parallel lines and perpendicular bisectors.

Homework: Practice #1-4

Discussion Starters:How might being able to construct parallel or perpendicular lines help you to construct other geometric shapes, such as squares, rhombuses, rectangles & parallelograms?

Science- Monday, September 28

Classwork: Students investigated the impact of controlling variables while experimenting with changing the steepness of a track and speed of a car.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Think of a problem you've had to solve at home, at work or anywhere, when changing only one variable at a time was necessary in order to pinpoint the problem. For example, if a lamp stopped working you might first check the bulb, then the outlet, then the circuit breaker. Discuss the importance of only manipulating one variable at a time.

English - Kennedy

Writer's Workshop Launching Day 2 - all materials are on Google Classroom.

Individuals and Societies

-Students continued Atlas work in preparation for our summative assessment on Friday.
-No homework.

Canvasser Monday 9/28

Happy Monday.

RR ELA:  Logs were due today.  If you did not turn in your log, please make sure it gets turned in tomorrow.  Remember you need to read 5 days (20 mins.) and do the short reader's response activities.  You may use the same book that you are reading in your ELA class.

New reading logs were passed out today and will be due Monday 10/5.

RR Math:  Test this Friday- study daily.  Also, your homework packet is due on/or before this Friday- 10/2.  If you turn in your homework early, I will check it and return it so you can use it as a third study tool for your test.  Remember study your notes and workbook pages.  Do not forget the last page in your homework packet- daily multiplication worksheet.

All classes with Canvasser:  Many students are still missing their needed supplies for each class.  Please review the course syllabus for the supply list. 

Donations needed:  Kleenex, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes (most needed.) 

Thank you.