Science: Finished the Waves & Sound notes and worked on the Properties of Sound worksheet. No homework, but quiz corrections need to be turned in by Friday.
Geometry: 12.3 notes (surface area of pyramids & cones). 12.3 worksheet is homework. 12.1-12.4 quiz on Friday.
Social Studies: Students were informed of grades to date, checked 16.2 guided reading and read 16.3 aloud in class. Homework is to complete 16.3 free choice. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Pre-Algebra: We will have a mini-quiz Friday on lessons 8.1 and 8.2. We made a "cheat sheet" today. You may use it on your quiz on FRIDAY!!
LA - students took their quiz on their novels today. I then introduced them to their final paper/project. We went over and discussed and if they had an questions they were answered. They started brainstorming as well. For the students that have been recommended by me or you, the parent, into honors English next year, they were assigned a more challenging topic, which is choice #3, story analysis. This assignment is also worth more points. They did not have a choice in doing the other topics I provided for the students. HW - start on their paper. The rough draft is due on May 12 for peer editing. We will be working on this assignment in stages. The assignment is attached