Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, October 8

Science: Using the data collected yesterday students made distance/time and speed/time graphs. We will continue working on the lab tomorrow, writing the data analysis and conclusions sections of our lab.
Tuesday, October 14: Rough draft of lab due for peer review
Thursday, October 16: Final draft of lab due
Tuesday, October 21: Unit 1 Test

Geometry: Taking our understanding of rigid motions students explored reflections. Reflection quiz Friday.

RR English: Your new reading log is due on Monday.

RR Math: Work on test corrections due Friday.

Red group- finish your workbook from class today if you did not have time today.

Pre-Algebra: We started the Chapter 1 Test. No homework :)

ELA - Last night's journal entry was checked and some students shared their paragraphs. We then moved on to Reader's Workshop Day 3, we created a life map of the main character, Jonas, to be filled through out the book. We filled in the first three events as these occurred in the first five chapters. Homework: Journal entry #1.30 and Read Chapters 6-8

French 2: Unit 9 test on Tuesday

Algebra: More reviewing. Homework: Chapter Review