Friday, October 30, 2015

Ramin - ELA

Grammar: Unit 1 (1.3 & 1.4)

Read (avg/30 min. a night)

Important Dates
M 11/2: Notebooks due (an updated Table of Contents & all Workshop lessons are available on
W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Geometry- Friday, October 30

Classwork: Investigated rotations in the coordinate plane and discovered the rules for rotations.

Homework: Finish rotation practice

Discussion Starters: We've finished Unit 2! We have one more quiz on Monday and then the test for unit 2 is Friday, November 6- how are students feeling about this unit compared to unit 1?

Science- Friday, October 30

Classwork: Students worked on typing the final draft of their lab in Google Classroom. They can access this account from any computer that has internet access and continue working on it over the weekend. This is a 50 point summative assessment grade.

Homework: We will also be typing on Monday, but the lab is due on Wednesday, November 4 by 5:00.

Discussion Starters: How much of the lab was your student able to get typed today? The goal was to finish procedures.

Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Grammar Unit 1, Lessons 3 and 4
Homework: Finalize composition notebooks (due Monday). A Table of Contents and all PowerPoints are available at

Canvasser 10.30.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget the short reader's response section, along with a parent signature!

RR Math- Students took their math test today. If you did not turn in your math homework, I will accept it on Monday for late points ( late points are better than no points!!)   

Happy Halloween and have a great weekend!!

Individuals and Societies

-Students took our chapter four assessment in class today.
-No homework.
-Happy Halloween!!