Science: Worked on the lab planner (rough draft) for the Roller Coaster lab. This sheet must be complete tomorrow for peer review (5th hour will peer review on Thursday). We will work on writing the final draft the remainder of this week. Final draft of lab is due Wednesday, January 26. The Unit 3 test is Monday, January 31. We will begin reviewing for the test next week. The science midterm is Friday, February 4. Students will be given review materials for the midterm on January 31, but a great way to review is to go over previous unit tests and quizzes (which students should have in their binders).
Geometry: Began reviewing for the midterm. Midterm review sheet up to #50 is due tomorrow. Geometry midterm is Tuesday, January 25. Kitchen Geometry Project is due Thursday, January 27.
Spanish: 8th graders spanish midterm is tomorrow. Spanish I students have their midterm on Thursday.
LA - Student's continued with the science fiction unit. HW: Continue reading "The Giver". Finish worksheet questions for tomorrow's discussion.
Algebra: We started reviewing for the Mid-term today. 2nd and 4th hour exam will be Tuesday, January 25, 5th hour exam will be Monday, January 24. Today's Focus - Chapters 1, 2, 3. Study Suggestions!
*set up a quiet, comfortable place at home (not too comfortable)
*study a little bit each day (review sheets, problems from the book, chapter tests at the end of each chapter)
*take frequent breaks (study for 30 minutes/take 10 minute break)
Pre-Algebra: We had a quiz on lessons 4.1 - 4.4. No homework.