Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 9/24/15


  • Students wrote an impromptu narrative for their second "on-demand performance assessment."


  • In lieu of tonight's freewrite, please find a narrative poem to glue/paste/tape in your journal (entry 1.8). We will be using it for an activity tomorrow.

  • Read, read, read!

Class Website: (sign up for Remind101, view course documents, etc.)


English - Kennedy

Today students did another "On-Demand Performance Assessment."  This one was a Personal Narrative. Students wrote about a small moment in their lives in narrative style.  They printed and turned it in.

Homework: Find a poem and either print it and paste in journal or copy it in journal for tonight's journal entry.  This entry should be AT LEAST number 1.7.  We will be checking in poems and using them in class tomorrow for an activity.

Science- Thursday, September 24, 2015

Classwork: Completed the notes we started on Tuesday. Students then took the concepts discussed in the notes and applied them to the Investigation we did last week.

Homework: Scientific Processes worksheet (see science folder for a copy). Students were asked to write great short answers on a separate sheet. No incomplete work accepted.

Discussion Starters: Try to design an experiment at home and talk about what the independent, dependent and control variables might be. For example, if you wanted to experiment with a recipe for spaghetti, maybe you would experiment with which types of noodles went best with different sauces.

Geometry- Thursday, September 24

Classwork: Took our first quiz!

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Ask your student how they think they did on the quiz.

Canvasser 9.24.15 Thursday

RR Math- Homework packet is due Friday (10.2.15)
*First test will also be on Friday (10.2.15)*

RR ELA- First reading log is due Monday (9.28.15)
* Do not forget the reader's response section*

* Students remember to bring in supplies that is located in the back of your syllabus*

Individuals and Societies

-Today students went to the computer lab to make sure they have a Goggle docs ID, continued our Atlas work and worked on current events.
-Homework is to finish a current event for tomorrow.