Monday, September 26, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

We were able to take a second look at our quizzes today to finish up anything we did not get to on Friday. I will work on getting the quizzes graded and in Skyward. Quiz corrections will be due on Friday. Make sure to take advantage of quiz corrections. Corrections could make a difference between an A or B.

During investigation 3.1 we spent a long time recognizing a non-linear function for the first time. The function of non-linear function is called a inverse variation. Notice the product of the x and y coordinates always equal the same number.

You had plenty of time in class to work on the homework.

Homework: page 69 (12-20)
#13 you do not need to graph the equation if you can figure it out without graphing.
#14 only do Part A



Classwork: Went over construction homework

Homework: Fill out the Properties of Equalities table on page 21

Spanish 2

Students practiced Spanish 1 verb conjugations and their meanings.

Conjugation quiz on Wednesday

Canvasser Monday 9.26.16

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today! if you did not turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points. Your new reading logs will be due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. You must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math-  The blue group can finish workbook pages ( day one) if you did not finish in class. Your new homework packet is due Monday (10.10.16) students should be studying their multiplication facts daily!

* Bring your AR books to class daily!*