Thursday, October 20, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

Today, we started our new book, Looking for Pythagoras. Since it is the start of a new book, it is a good time to reflect on what worked in our last book and what did not. Make a commitment to yourself on how you want to improve as we go forward.

We completed investigation 1.1 today. We used a map of a coordinate plane to find the locations.


Classwork: Students practiced reading and interpreting distance-time graphs as well as speed-time graphs. We will review this tomorrow when I return. This does not have to be completely finished, but there should be evidence of class work accomplished. 
Homework: Quiz corrections due Friday. They must be completed on the required form and turned in along with the original quiz. 

Spanish 2

Students practiced the present progressive tense. There is no homework tonight.

Present Progressive Quiz- Wednesday, October 26

Ramin - ELA

Today students responded to an on-demand writing prompt on what they think the author of The Giver is trying to teach us about our society. They used evidence from the story to support their ideas.

Now that we are finished with The Giver, sure you have a new independent AR book to read. Remember to read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Important Dates
11/2: AR Points Due

Parents: If you would like to sign up for weekly Google Classroom summaries, please fill out the form here: For those who have already submitted their request, you should have received an email from Google to accept my Classroom invitation. Please check your Spam folders if you do not see it. The email subject line is: "Get Google Classroom email summaries."


Classwork- Took the reflection group quiz

Homework- Reflection handout
Megan Throm
Science & Mathematics
Educator & Instructional Support Specialist
Berkley School District
14450 Manhattan
Oak Park, MI 48237

Canvasser 10.20.16 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.24.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Blue group can finish workbook pages ( day 3) if not completed in class. The signed homework packet and multiplication  sheet are due Tuesday ( 10.25.16). The math test will also be on Tuesday ( 10.25.16) the workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

* Bring your AR books to class and home daily!*