Science: Continued working on the review/study guide for Tuesday's test. "How Fast Am I?" lab is due tomorrow! My goal is to have the labs graded to return to parents at conferences next week.
Geometry: No class today, MEAP. Test is tomorrow!
Humanities: Students worked corrected 2.2 section assessment, shared current events and worked on 2.3 guided questions in class. Homework is to complete 2.3 guided questions.
Pre-Algebra: No class, MEAP.
Language Arts: Students wrapped up illustrations. No morning classes met. Due tomorrow - The Giver chap 11-15 read, journal, vocab pages.
Algebra (Graham) Homework tonight: All of worksheet 3.5/3.6 I handed out the review for the test this Friday
Algebra (Hill) Today we studied algebraic expressions that have infinite solutions and how to identify them. No Home Work
Spanish I: Flash cards on 1.3 (pg 93) are due by Monday, Oct 24th.