Science: Today we continued working on the review that was begun yesterday. Please see Monday's post for details about this assignment. The review is due on Thursday. Students were also given a study guide for the unit 2 test, which is Friday.
Geometry: Today students took a quiz on 5.1-5.4. 5.6 notes are homework. Chapter 5 test on Monday, December 14.
Algebra: Today we went over Linear Regression (line of best fit) on the graphing calculator. See yesterday's post for information on the directions. Students have the Chapter 4 Test on Tuesday, December 15th.
Algebra 2: Today students started 6.1 and will not have homework if finished in class. See yesterday's post for the Chapter 6 homework log.
Course 3: Baker- Today we went over the Feeding Frenzy worksheet. Afterward, we learned 5.7 in class. Students have 5.7 homework, worksheet attached. Students must do ODDS.
Pre Algebra: Today we reviewed for the test on Wednesday.
Social Studies: Students shared notes from section 7.4 in class and then watched a video to introduce the formation of the national government. Students then worked on pp 4, 6, & 7 of the attached document. Homework folders were collected. Current events and constitution worksheets (see above) are due Wednesday.
LA - Students took the "Pigman" quiz ch1-4 and I collected the vocabulary homework. We corrected the possessive nouns grammar packet. I also collected the bio/autobio worksheets, there were 5 of them at 10 points each. We started Ch 5 of the "Pigman" novel. HW - study for the possessive nouns quiz tomorrow and the grammar packet will be collected as homework.
Journalism - Continue watching Internet media. Finish discussing the media/file sharing excerpt. Students will write a news feature on what they found most interesting in the video. HW - working on the news feature. Rewriting rough draft articles.
Spanish 1: Please do questions 1-5 of p. 110#8 for tomorrow and study your vocabulary.
Spanish 8: There is a small quiz over bullfighting tomorrow. The attached sheets are the study guides. Sheet #1 Sheet #2
Career Tech - See Yesterday's post, Family Budget on going
Int Tech - LegoRobotics teams continuing work if Internet Search has been completed