Science: Completed notes on pages 498-502 and discussed the law of reflection.
Geometry: Went over the practice test, homework is pages 912-913 evens. Test is Wednesday
Pre-Algebra: We worked on finding slope when given two sets of ordered pairs. Homework is worksheet 8.4, # 1 - 3 all and 10 - 22, evens.
Spanish I: Ex 15 & 16 on pg 209 -due 5/22
Humanities: Students reviewed project expectations, received detailed project rubrics and used the "cow" and computer lab to investigate the PBS website and research topics. Homework is to work on Civil War projects.
ELA: We finished up our Historical Fiction Unit today and are wrapping it up with a video from PBS called "Slavery by Another Name" taking our students from the Civil War through Reconstruction.
Tech: We had access to our H: drives and our J: drive today so we continued with final revisions for the 8th grade video. Plans are for all final cuts to be in on Thursday.
Algebra (Graham): We covered section 11.3 today (equation solving with square roots). We have one more section to cover. Our test is next Wednesday 5/30. I have attached the review for the final exam in case anyone needs one. Our final exam will be June 6 and 7th.
Technology (Graham): We started working on our final project...Newsletters. Remember to continue working on typing.
Algebra (Hill): For homework finish page 1 of your chapter 11/12 pretest (front page only)