Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8

Science: Analyzed & graphed the data that was collected on Friday. We talked about patterns in data and how to handle outliers (or wonky data).

Geometry: Continued discussing basic terms and constructions. Basic Terms handout is homework. Quiz on basic terms, distance & midpoint formulas on Friday.

RR Math, RR English, RR LRC: I will check to make sure you have all supplies listed in the course packet this week.

RR Math: First homework packet/test will be due/on- next week Friday-9/19.

RR English: Reading logs were passed out today. All sections (five days) will be due on Monday. A week from today.

Humanities: Students discussed current event expectations in class today. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

French 2: Verb retake quizzes: any lunchtime this week. Write 20 sentences using the passé composé. Due this Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra: What We Did Today: Today we finished going over the review. Homework: There is no homework today.

ELA - Kennedy - Today we checked in Grammar 1.1-1.2 and then moved on to Grammar 1.3-1.4. During Day 2 of the Launching unit students discussed the Notice and Note Signposts and how to use them to better understand their independent reading. They were given bookmarks to use to help remind them of the signposts and what each means. Homework: finish Grammar 1.3-1.4, Read, gather decorations for composition books (Journals)

Algebra: Each class finished at a different point, so the homework is to finish the notes (and sample problems) for both 1.3 and 1.4. Our first quiz will be this Thursday covering sections 1.1-1.5