Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, March 9

Science: Completed notes and Investigation 15-A (Static Charge). Time-line for the "What is Safe Project":
March 14 - Initial Circuit Built

March 14-21 Work on Perfecting Circuit and Project Write Up
March 21- Testing & Revisions of Alarm complete
March 21- Class Presentation & Write-Up Due

LA - Today was C day so I only met with one 8th grade class. Students were handed back their thesis statement. If they were good, they got started on their rough drafts, if the thesis statement needed revising they worked on it, and had to get it approved by me before starting their rough draft. The paper is a literary essay based on the short story that they chose to write on. Students also caught up on reading "The Outsiders." HW - none

Art 7/8: 5th hr. meets today only. Re-demo of colored pencil portion of "Round Robin Picasso" drawing. Students will continue coloring with colored pencil.

Advanced Art grade 8: Day 3 of weekly still life. Students will continue drawing the five chairs today.

Pre-Algebra: We reviewed for our test on chapter 5 tomorrow.  STUDY:)