Yesterday students attended an assembly on expectations for the school year presented by Mr. Yowchuang and Mrs. Meacham. Please click here to view the presentation.
Please try to attend the "Welcome Back Hoedown" on Friday from 6:00-8:00. This is a FREE event with FREE drinks and snacks!
Science: Today we started the "Candy Coated Lab" by discussing the research, purpose, hypothesis and methods section. We will begin collecting data for this lab tomorrow and will spend the rest of the week and next week completing this lab in order to answer the question "How Do Scientists Communicate".
Pre-Algebra: We went over expectations, handed out books, and did a short math assignment to get a reading on where we all are math-wise. Homework: Have parents sign expectations paper.
Algebra: I checked to see if parents signed the expectations sheet. Started lesson 1.1/2.7. Homework: book work page 5 (#3,6,9,12,26,28,35)
Geometry: We completed the comic proofs and began planning on outline for writing a paragraph to describe the comic (writing across the curriculum!). Homework is for students to complete the paragraph with a topic sentence, descriptions/explainations and a conclusion.
Spanish I: Homework for tomorrow: finish highlighting all vocabulary words that you do not know.
8th ELA - Students brought in their Writer's Journals and decorated/personalized them while we discussed the IB Learner Profile and compared the different traits to famous people. (Communicator: Martin Luther King Jr., Thinker: Confucius, etc) We then discussed how to turn in work, find information if a student is absent, take AR quizzes, and be successful in 8th Grade ELA. Students turned in their signed welcome letters. Homework: read! Summer Reading is due by the end of next week...we will not be starting our first novel for a few weeks so please get started on your 3 books for this marking period!