Science: Investigation 3B- Conservation of energy.
Geometry: Reviewed centers of triangles and worked on the practice test for the chapter, which is homework. Chapter 5 test is Friday, December 17.
Algebra: Due to the snow days, our test will be moved to Friday. I understand that interferes with some vacation plans. No worries! Any who miss Friday can take the test when we return from break. Tomorrow will be a review day.
Social Studies: Students shared current events and participated in part two of our geography challenge. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
LA - today we read The Pigman, Ch 12. I then introduced their new unit which is science fiction. Students had to read on their own, and fill out the worksheet given to them. The sheet consisted of the definition of science fiction, key elements, theme and conflict. We also discussed movies, books and TV shows that are science based. When we return from break students will start reading the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry. They will also read short science fiction stories in class. Students worked on grammar, opening adjectives (single word and phrases). HW - students should be working on their cereal box projects. I will be checking my email over break if you or you child have questions regarding the project.
Technology: 2nd Hour...Welcome back and see ya in January :) Students finished up Module 1 Part 1 Assignment and Forums. Next is Module 1, Part 2 - Task - Using the Internet, the Web, and Web 2.0 (cyber-related terms). This assignment will be due the Tuesday after we get back (January 3).
Art 7/8: Students will continue their plans for the Picasso clay piece. 5th hr. does not meet today.
Advanced Art grade 8: This class does not meet today.