Geometry: Took the trig and solving right triangles quiz. Homework is the "developing area" handout examples 2 & 3.
RR English: Reading logs are due Monday. Please make sure you follow what each journal is asking you to do.
RR Math: No homework. If you forgot to turn in your math packet today, you will need to do so please on Monday.
ELA - Students were introduced to our community read Iqbal. We investigated different products that are obtained or made through child labor. Students then learned about 3 other products. We will begin to read he book aloud on Monday. STUDENTS HAVE HOMEWORK FOR THE WEEKEND: Discuss the four products your student learned about, brainstorm how to help stop child labor. Students must write a journal entry on this family discussion.
Technology- Students worked on their family budget project. Rough Drafts are due Monday, presentations will begin Wednesday.
Algebra: We took a quiz today. Homework for this weekend is the Chapter 9 practice test (odds only)
Chinese: Who couldn't finish writing your story in the class, it will become your homework. Due date is March 9, Monday.
Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: anguage Lab- If you are taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, complete it, then do the following lessons. If you are not taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, you may begin this lesson right away.
- Go to the following url: http://www.studyspanish.
com/lessons/possadj.htm - Read through the material on Possessive Adjectives, and take notes (You may do this alone or with a quietly with a partner)
- On the left side of the screen you will see a series of links
- Take the Basic Quiz, and the Mini Test
- Print out your scores and give to me. This will be graded as homework, not as a Quiz or Test.
- If you have time leftover, you may get a ‘Country Study’ sheet, and complete it. Keep it in your binder for future labs. If you previously started but did not complete a country study, you may complete it today. Keep it in your binder.TAREA:
Chapter 3 test has been postponed until next week. Many students needed more work with the tener/venir verbs. The test will be on Wednesday, March 11.