Geometry: Investigated sine, cosine and tangent ratios. Homework is to complete practice pages 160 & 164.
C. Reading: Logs are due 2/3/14- ALL FIVE DAYS need to be filled out in full.
R. Room Math: Homework packets will be due 2/13/14.
Humanities: Students had our final day of review for chapters 9/10 test in class today. Homework is to study for the test that is tomorrow.
ELA - Students continued with their Realistic Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 6. We learned another sign-post "Words of the Wiser" and filled out a
worksheet, this worksheet should go in their portfolio. We discussed any
problems students had with last night's chapters and then they were given time
to read tonight's chapters. Portfolios should be an ongoing process. Jotting down quotes as they find
them in the reading, keeping track of characters and their characteristics as
they are mentioned in the book. Keeping track of theme indicators as we
proceed. I have been mentioning these during our class discussions and have
pointed out how our signposts are clues to the theme or they
SHOULD be having those little "aha" moments themselves as they read.I gave more hard nosed due dates for the AR quizzes. I will enter any
quizzes the day after the due dates for this marking period. Hoping this keeps
students more on track than saying that they should be reading a book every two
weeks, they can see the pacing in their grade-book through student access. Homework: Read Chapters 20-22 Journal #12
Tech - Students worked on their survey and created a bar chart to represent
this survey, due tomorrow.
Algebra - Tomorrow is our 7.1-7.4 Quiz. Homework: Systems practice (attached)
Course 3: We continued to work on lesson 11.3. Homework is worksheet 11.3, #13 - 23.
Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Wednesday -- p128 Ex 1 and 2 (full Spanish sentences). Due Friday--2.2 vocab (p.143) flashcards. Sopa de Letras and Árbol de familia due by Friday as well
Stein Health 8: What we did today: Students finished
the webquest from yesterday and we discussed the answers as a class. Students
were able to manipulate an online age simulator for people who smoked to show
how smoking can affect a person's outward appearance
drastically. Homework: Edmodo permission slips were due
Friday, January 31. Please have your student's slip in
as soon as possible.
Chinese: Today we went over the assignment from yesterday, and reviewed how to
inquire people and item. Homework is on Workbook P.70 16&17.
Pre-Algebra: An exploration of Slope. Describing slop as positive, negative, zero and
undefined ("Adventure of Slope Dude"). Finding slope from a graph and two given
points. HW: I Can Find Slope From...Worksheet (front only)