Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, February 15

Permission slips for the February 28th field-trip to see "Red Tails" are due on Friday to your 1st hour teacher!

Science: Took the electricity quiz, no homework. We will be building parallel and series circuits tomorrow and Friday in class.

Geometry: Went over the 8.3 worksheet and took notes on 8.4 (rhombuses, rectangles & squares). 8.4 worksheet is homework, 8.1-8.4 quiz tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Today we worked with adding and subtracting fractions.  This should be review.  Homework is worksheet 5.2, 1 - 29 odds, 60 and 31.

ELA: Students reviewed evaluating websites and using for their bibliography. We then concentrated on getting 12-20 facts down on note cards. We will organize them after break.  Homework: Chapters 13-15 packet due tomorrow. Quiz on TKM chap 10-15 and vocabulary on Friday.

Tech (Kennedy): Module 1 Part 2 graphic organizer due today and students will begin the second assignment today, Cyber communication and examples and benefits of Internet use in school.

Spanish I: No home work today

Algebra (Graham): We finished up properties of exponents today. Homework is from section 8.3 page 506. 4th hour had problems 28-42 evens. 7th hour problems 12-42 evens.

Technology (Graham): Students are working on their "Teach a Lesson" projects (which are due March 2). I am really impressed so far. We also watched a video clip and read an article on Globalization. Answers to questions pertaining to those are due on Friday. (Article and questions can be found on Moodle, Module 1).