Science: Groups practiced calculating efficiency with the potential & kinetic energy data from last week. Efficiency worksheet was started in class and is homework if not finished.
Geometry: Worked on the chapter 6 practice test, this is homework. Chapter 6 test Thursday. Kitchen geometry project is due Tuesday, January 19.
Algebra: Students worked on 5.4 Homework and then pre-read 5.5 lesson for tomorrow. We did not cover 5.3, but students are responsible for deriving the point-slope equation from slope form.
Algebra 2: Today we did a Chapter 6 Review. Chapter 6 Test on Thursday.
Course 3: Baker-Today we finished 5.3 Notes. Students were allowed to do 5.3 homework in class. If they are are not finished, it is homework. Austin- We continued our notes on lesson 6.1. Homework - worksheet 6.1 #1,7,9,10,18.
Pre Algebra: We reviewed for Chapter 4 Test. Students had to fill in Pg. 76 and 77 in their note-taking guide. For each box, students must have ONE definition, question and answer. Chapter 4 Test is on Thursday.
Social Studies: Students are working on projects throughout the week. Project rubric is attached. Projects are due Tuesday, January 19, 2010.
LA - Journal #7 - rewrite the children's song Rock-A-Bye-Baby or Little Bunny Foo Foo with a more cheerful or wholesome tune. Student's checked their vocab. homework from Ch11-13. The Quiz is tomorrow. 1/13. I reviewed and went over what will be on the literary elements quiz on Friday 1/15.
Journalism - Writing and revising articles.
Spanish 1: The students have their chapter test Thursday. They will then start on a review of the semester's work to prepare for our exam.
Spanish 8: Work on the Libro de la selva work.
Note for all students: I ruptured my Achilles tendon this last weekend and will be having surgery this week. I will be at home recuperating for at least two weeks, so students will be working on packets that I will prepare in advance and send in as more is needed.