* Today students took the Math MEAP in the morning and had 3rd & 5th hours in the afternoon. Last day of MEAP tomorrow!
Science: Played Jeapardy review and worked on review that is due on Thursday. For the review, complete sentences or problem solving boxes are required, the review is found on page 24- Understanding Vocabulary (#7-13), Reviewing Concepts (#8, 10-15, 20, 21, 24 & 25) & Solving Problems (#3-5 & 8-10). The Unit 1 test is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26.
LA: Today in class: Students discussed "Nothing but the Truth" . They started working on their poetry project which is due 10/26, Attached is the assignment with the rubric. They were provided with example books, and materials to use if they choose to do so. HW - read Pg 40-82 in NBTT by 10/21, study for poetry quiz which is this Friday 10/22
Social Studies: Students shared current events, reviewed 4.3 and worked on 4.4 in class.Homework is to finish 4.4 section assessment.; Quiz review Thursday. Quiz and homework folder collection on Friday.
Art 7/8: 5th hr. met only today due to MEAP. Students continued "IB Cube."
Advanced Art grade 8: Continuation of "Flower Pun" drawings.