Science: Demonstrated harmonic motion and described period and frequency. Students took notes on pages 414-417 and practiced calculating period & frequency.
Geometry: Completed sections 10.3 & 10.4.
Social Studies: Students corrected chapter 13 assessment and completed chapter 13 quiz in class Monday.-No homework for Monday.-Tuesday students will be introduced to chapter 14 by taking notes on a brief video and examining a time line of the progressive era.-Homework folders are due Wednesday and students should be ready to discuss current events Wednesday (current events will be conversation only).-Wednesday students will be turning in homework folders and sharing current events.-No homework over break...enjoy!!
Spanish 1: Because of the assemblies and upcoming vacation, this week we are spending previewing unit 2, chapter 3, and learning about Mexico City. There will be no homework till after break, but please use any free time to start to learn the new vocabulary and grammar.
Spanish 8: We are looking at noun-adjective agreement through the vocabulary on page 77. There is no homework till after break.
LA - students will continue reading Science Fiction stories for the rest of the week. They will also discuss the stories using literary elements and also practice writing response paragraphs.
Adverbs packet is due tomorrow 3/30. HW - grammar packet
Journalism - rough drafts are due today (Monday) as well as packet #3. This is their last day of Journalism until we get back from spring break. All assignments need to be completed today. HW - none.
Algebra: Chapter 8 Test is Tuesday. Explorathon girls will take the test on Wednesday.
Pre Algebra: We are going to work on finishing Chapter 6
Course 3: We are going to finish chapter 8 and have a QUEST on Wednesday.
Algebra 2: We are going to finish chapter 10 this week.