Geometry: Went over the midterm. Tomorrow we will begin our next unit on trigonometry.
Spanish (Tomlinson): Continue working on reviews and classwork packets. MIDTERM--Tues and Wed (if school is closed on Tues--the test will be Wed and Thurs). 2.1 Vocab quiz-Friday
C. Reading: Reading logs are due today. If you forgot to turn yours in, you can turn yours in on the next school day for late credit. Your new logs were passed out today, all five days need to be completed in full, even if we do not have school. Take your books home!! The new log will be due Monday 2/3/14.
R. Room Math: Math homework packets are due this Friday 1/31/14. We will have a test Friday 1/31/14 unless we miss some school days. I will re-assign the date if need be. However, prepare and study for the test as if we will not miss school this week. Also, if you turn your homework in early by Thursday I will check it and pass it back to you the same day so you can study from it.
Course 3: We finished our function project. No homework.
Humanities: Students checked 10.1 section assessment and began to work on 10.2 guided
notes in class. Homework is to complete 10.2 guided notes.
Spanish II: Student received two packets today to practice for the midterm on Thursday
and Friday. Even if we have a snow day tomorrow, the midterm will not be moved,
and students can work on the packets handed out. Answers will be on the blog. A
third packet on Unit 4,3 (passed out last Thursday or today) is for extra
credit. If we have two snow days in a row, then the midterm will be on Friday and
French I: Students had their chapter 3 test today. the next class we will begin
chapter 4. The only homework is to start studying the purple words (first
set) on pg 135
Pre-Algebra: Review of putting linear equations in slope-intercept form and how to graph
them. HW: finish Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form worksheet (it will be
collected tomorrow)
Chinese: we worked on L7 Text 2's characters, and a few students were taking the mid-term exam in the meantime.
Chinese: we worked on L7 Text 2's characters, and a few students were taking the mid-term exam in the meantime.