Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29

Science:  Began reviewing for the Sound & Waves test, review is due on Wednesday. 

Geometry: The projector went kaput this morning, so we rocked the notes (definitions, example 1, formula, example 2, example 3) old-school on the board. Homework is the 11.6 worksheet. Chapter 11 test is Friday. 

Tech 8 (Stein): Excel Requirements and Rubric, work day.

Spanish I: The 3.1 test was moved to tomorrow and Wednesday to give students another day to practice. They got a new worksheet today, that is due on Wednesday.

ELA - Students are to continue working on Verbals and Verbal Phrases with Grammar 7.1-7.3. This was handed out on Friday and posted on Friday's blog. We will begin our Historical Fiction unit tomorrow. Homework is Journal entry & grammar packet.

Course 3: Today we talked about how to prove triangles are congruent.  Homework is worksheet 8.5, all. 2nd hour homework is a congruence sheet.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 15 and were introduced to the Civil War in class today. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students began presenting their family budget projects. We will continue Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Homework: No homework
Discussion topics: Whose project stood out to you today?  Why?

Pre-Algebra: Quiz grades are posted on Family Access.  Grades are not as high as they should have been.  We started 7.5 today.  Homework:  7.5 evens. 
Algebra: Test on the first part of chapter 10 tomorrow.  We did a practice test in class and we discussed everything that I needed to see tomorrow.  Remember that the IB Box project is due tomorrow.

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