Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday, January 13

Science: Discussed yesterday's efficiency and energy flow investigation and completed the Unit 3 notes. Efficiency worksheet is homework. Next week we will beging working on the Roller Coaster Lab which will be due January 27. Midterm is January 30

Geometry: Went over the review of chapter 1 and Chapter 6 tests were returned. Homework is to complete the midterm review for chapters 2-4 (see yesterday's post for a copy of the midterm review), midterm is Thursday, January 19. Directions for the kitchen work triangle project were also discussed and examples were shown to the class. Kitchen work triangle project is due Wednesday, January 25.

Language Arts: Students polished and turned in their Literary Analysis! We took a quiet day to read and take AR quizzes prior to starting our next novel unit....To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Have a great long weekend. Happy Birthday MLK

Spanish I: Remember that the midterm will be next Wednesday and Thursday.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to work on GCF with monomials.  Homework-worksheet 4.2, #2 - 26 evens.

Algebra (Hill): Finish your chapter 1-6 review problems, and have your parents sign your review packet. Over the long weekend log on to and take the practice test covering chapters 1-6. Come to class with specific questions on teusday regarding any material you need clarification on. Practice all types of problems...your mid term exam is scheduled for Thursday and Friday of next week. Work hard and I know you will do great! Any questions please feel free to email me and I will be happy to help. See the algebra post from January 6 for copies of review materials.