Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24

Science: Completed the jigsaw note-taking that we started yesterday and labs were returned. We then discussed lab corrections, which are due on Friday.

Geometry: Today we investigated the Pythagorean theorem to better understand how it works. Homework is to complete questions #1-3 from the investigation on page 432 and complete notes on 7.1

Humanities: Students worked on and discussed atlas work in class. Current events due tomorrow (template is attached).

C. Reading:  Logs were due on Monday, please turn them in if you forgot.  New logs should be worked on daily and returned next Monday.

R. Room Math:  Continue X practice daily and re-work  math homework packets.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Study for TEST tomorrow (Wed) and countries quiz (FRI); work on packet from Monday, if you have not finished it.  Packet is due Wed. Bring a binder for Spanish with dividers (5).

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we responded to a journal prompt, turned in literary essays, grammar review, and continued writing individual stories for the newsletter. Some read independently when finished.  Homework: Complete story for newsletter and turn in to Dax's email. Continue reading your new novel of choice. 

ELA - Students continued their Poetry Writing with Peer Review Groups today in Writer's Workshop Day 7. We are in the home stretch now.  Poems are due with illustration on Friday. Homework: Journal #13 and READ!

Spanish 2: You need to have 2 paragraphs done for the All About Me project by this Thursday. Verb quiz on Monday, Sept 30th, in which you will have to know the meaning of the verbs and how to conjugate them.

French I: Study your numbers for a quiz on Monday, Sept 30th

Algebra:  Worksheet 9.1B  #7,10,11,12,13,15.  Quiz Thursday!  Test Friday!

Spanish (Farah): What We Did Today Students went to the lab and studied their maps. Homework Study for tomorrow's test using the vocabulary words and the classwork you've done.

Pre-Algebra: 1.5 Today we discussed the rules for adding integers. HW: 1.5 (1-29 odd)

Course 3: Today we talked about Absolute value and opposites.  Our homework is worksheet 2.1, all.