Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ramin - ELA

- Realistic Fiction - Day #1. 
- Began reading To Kill a Mockingbird

Finish reading chapters 1 and 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird


Dixon Language & Literature

Homework: Finish Chapter 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird

Stein - Math 8 Plus - February 3, 2016

Today students completed 1.2 on page 12, A-D. Students reviewed the properties of polygons and discovered how to construct them on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs.

Focus Question
"How do the coordinates of endpoints of a segment help draw other lines, which are parallel or perpendicular to the segment?"

ACE Questions: #8-10 (p.15), #35-36 (p. 18). Challenge Problem (optional) #41, (p. 19). Answers to yesterday's homework, today's notes and homework are available at

Geometry- Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Classwork: Students continued investigating properties of parallelograms through proof and geometry software.

Homework: Sides and angles of parallelograms handout (see math folder for a copy)

Coming Soon! 5.1-5.3 Quiz on Friday

Science- Wednesday, February 3

Classwork: Took the midterm!

Canvasser 2.3.16 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/or before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
Blue group can finish day 2 workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class.  The red group worked on their review pages. The scores from the math test are posted on skyward.

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 11.2 (Texas Revolution) and were introduced to 11.3 (Mexican American War) in class.
-Homework is to begin to work on the 11.3 guided reading worksheet.  Worksheets are due Friday.