Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ramin - ELA

What We Did Today:
- Grammar - Unit 4 - Verbs (Lessons 4 & 5)
- Library: Students had the opportunity to check out new books, take AR quizzes and read in the library.
- Mini-Conferences: I met with individual students to discuss reading goals, missing assignments, etc. 

- AR Point Goals are due Wednesday, 1/27. 
- All missing assignments for second quarter must be turned in by Friday, 1/29.

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed political cartoons and analysis sheets in class.
-Homework is to find a current event (subject) that will be the topic for a cartoon to be worked on in class tomorrow.

Geometry- Tuesday, January 26

Classwork: Went over the unit 2 midterm review

Homework: Complete unit 3 & 4 midterm review

Upcoming: Midterm is Thursday & Friday, January 28 & 29

Science-Tuesday, January 26

Classwork: Students took the unit 3 Quest

Homework: None

Coming Soon! Midterm Wednesday, February 3

Canvasser 1/26

Happy Tuesday.

RR ELA:  Reading logs are due Monday (2/1/16).  Students should be reading at least 20 minutes each night and doing a response.  A parent needs to sign the log before it gets turned in.

RR Math:  Students should study for their test that will be on Thursday.  Students can study their notes and workbook pages.  If you turn in your homework early, we will check it and return to you so you can use that as well.  Homework is due on or before Thursday.  **The red group should finish workbook pages if not done in class.

READ, READ, READ!!  AR quizzes need to be wrapped up this week!