Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday, April 2

Science: Practiced drawing waves with different amplitudes and wavelengths, followed by some practice problem solving speed, wavelength and frequency questions. Homework is "Properties of Waves". Quiz on wave properties and wave interactions Wednesday, April 16.

Geometry: Investigated how to derive the equation of a circle and practiced completing the square. Click here for a video to help with completing the square.  Homework is the practice problems AND 10.7 worksheet (odds). Quiz on equations of circles & parabolas on Wednesday, April 16.

Humanities: Students checked 15.1 in class and began to work on 15.2 notes. Homework is to complete 15.2 notes.

R. Room Math:  Purple group has a take home test due Friday.  I will not take it late.  You must show your work to get credit!  Both groups should be working on X fluency!

C. Reading:  Read- no log.  Enjoy!

Spanish I: 2.3 TEST TOMORROW (and Friday). Review (distributed yesterday) is due tomorrow. CLASSWORK PACKETS (are due tomorrow). ALL WORK FROM 2.3 is due TOMORROW. CHECK FAMILY ACCESS for your missing work (if any)

Algebra - Chapter 9 test today!  No homework.

Spanish II: 5.2 test is tomorrow. The review worksheet is due tomorrow. Answers to the worksheet will be posted on my blog by tonight.
French I: The unit quizzes for 6.1 and 6.2 will be tomorrow. Study the practice quizzes we did today.

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 3 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. Homework: READ, and Journal #6
Technology - Kennedy - The High School Counselors came in and students logged in to their Student Access and chose their schedules for next year. Very Exciting!  We then continued with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to practice using the Pythagorean Theorem to find a missing side of a right triangle. We also discussed how to simplify radical expressions. HW: 5 notebook problems on simplifying radical expressions (attached)

Course 3: Today we worked on lesson 8.2.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, all. Vacation students only-read lesson 8.2 in your textbook and do questions #6 - 25 on pages 413 and 414.

Chinese: We are doing exercises on p.115:15; p.116:17;p.117:19,20.