Geometry: Used the graphing calculator and Cabri Jr. to investigate midsegments of trapezoids. No homework. Chapter 8 test on Monday, March 4.
Pre-Algebra: We talked about graphing special lines (horizontal and vertical). Homework: practice graphing lines worksheet.
Algebra: We went over the Problem Solving Workshop #7. We started our review for Chapter 7 today. We did a warm-up review. Homework: graphic organizer for chapter 7 (attached). Chapter 7 test this Thursday!
Spanish I: 2.3 quiz on Friday, March 1st. The vocab packet for this quiz is also
due. 2.2 Chapter test on Monday, March 4th.
ELA - Students discussed their Day 7 teaching point, and we discussed any confusion they may have about the events
in To Kill a Mockingbird through chapter 24. Many did not read over
break, therefore I opened up lunch for students to catch up and gave them the
majority of the hour to read. On the board the schedule for the week is
Monday - Reader's Workshop Day 7 - Change - Chapters 25-28
Journal Entries #16 & 17
Tuesday - Reader's Workshop Day 8 - Time - Chapters 29-end
Journal Entries # 18 & 19
Wednesday - Reader's Workshop day 9 - Retelling (Quiz Grade) -
Journal Entries # 20 & 21
Thursday - Shoe activity - Project Work - Journal Entry # 22
& 23
Friday - Project Work - AR quiz for TKM due
Projects due Wednesday - March 6th (Directions and Rubric are attached), Homework - Read - Journal entry
Humanities: Students reviewed 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 in class today. We also introduced
10.4, and began working on 10.4 section assessment in class. 10.4 section assessment is due tomorrow. Tomorrow we will review chapter 10 in preparation for a test on
Wednesday. Homework folders, and Chapter 10 Test, will be due
Wednesday. No current event this week.
Technology 8 - Orlando What we did today: In preparation for our college research project, students explored
Prezi. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What college or university will you be researching? Why did you select
that school?
Course 3: Today we did a review of all of the lessons from chapter 11. 1st - 3rd- No homework. 4th and 5th hour- review sheet for homework.