Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday, March 6

Science: Completed Investigation 14-A (Series and Parallel Circuits) and went over Ohm's Law homework from Friday. Homework is the Series and Parallel worksheet. Electricity quiz is on Friday.

Geometry: Took notes on 9.2 (matrices) and checked the 9.1 worksheet. Homework is the 9.2 worksheet (front only). Quiz on Tuesday. 

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students presented their college/university Prezi to the class. Homework: College Presentations will continue tomorrow and Friday - if needed. Discussion topics: Did the presentations today engage you as someone in the audience?  What strong elements did the presentation have?  Where could they have improved?

Spanish I: If you didn't finish the quiz today, then you will finish it tomorrow. The new vocab packet 2.3 (part 2) will be due next week (date not set yet)

Course 3: Today we did stations to review for our chapter 11 test on Monday.  This is a very big chapter.  Encourage your children to come in for help if they need it. No homework.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 11 assessment and worked with groups to present interesting facts from chapter 11 to the class. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

ELA - Students viewed the final part of To Kill a Mockingbird we compared and contrasted the book and the movie, noticing how many characters are different, some scenes didn't happen in the book and did in the movie, and vice versa. Students were allowed to work on their projects, take or retake the AR quiz for TKM. Homework: Journal entry #26 - READ 1/2 Day tomorrow, I will only see AM classes.

Pre-Algebra: Homework:  Chapter 8 review.  We have a test tomorrow.

Algebra: We continued our work with section 8.2.  Homework:  worksheet 8.2. Quiz on Monday