Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 11 (D-Day)

Science: Worked on preparation for circuit building. Students recieved supplies to get them started (light bulbs and lengths of wire) and we also practiced removing insulation from the wires. Students may choose to use a buzzer instead of a light, but it is NOT required! Students also got to look at examples of projects from past years and we went over the rubric. Students should begin building their circuits this weekend so that they have enough time to fix any problems they may have prior to the due date. They do not need to bring their circuits in on Monday.
March 14 - Initial Circuit Built
March 14-21 Work on Perfecting Circuit and Project Write Up
March 21- Testing & Revisions of Alarm complete
March 21- Class Presentation & Write-Up Due

Geometry: 9.6 Notes (Symmetry) in class and we investigated with pattern blocks (your students LOVED getting to play with pattern blocks). 9.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 9 "Quest" on Wednesday, March 16.

LA - Students worked on mini lesson #9 - Writing a conclusion. Students then wrote conclusions to their literary essay. They then worked on their literary essay rough drafts which are due Monday 3/14. The rough draft does not have to be typed it just has to be completed for peer editing.  HW - Completing the rough drafts if they ran out of time in class. Read Ch 9 and 10 in "The Outsiders" which is due Monday for discussion.

Social Studies: Students shared projects and current events in class. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.

Algebra: Finished notes from 8.5 (exponential growth). Discussed section 8.6 (exponential decay. Homework: wkst 8.5 (18-20) and finish graphs from 8.6 notes. Upcoming Events: 2nd/4th hour chapter test Wednesday 3/16 5th hour chapter test Friday 3/18. Conferences 3/16 and 3/17. Have a great weekend!

Technology - Students handed in their signed EDPs, if they didn't please get them in Monday. We began our "Family Budget" project. The packet is attached. Students had their "Lottery of Life" and picked their City, Marital Status, and number of children from cups. Many were upset they had no girls, or were divorced, or didn't want to live in is always a very rowdy day in my room.  Due dates haven't been set yet as this is the first time I'm doing this project with the split schedule. I'm shooting for "Investigate" being due by March 31st (last day before break), this will be all research and print evidence of their research checked by me.