Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday, March 28

Science: Only 1st & 3rd hour science classes met today. 1st hour electricity projects were returned and we talked about corrections. While today is the last day of the card marking I can update grades next week if students do corrections by Wednesday, April 2. We then went outside and students experimented with variables on the swing sets to see how those variables affected the period of the swings. 

Spanish II: Study for the chapter test on Thursday

French I: Study for the chapter 6 quizzes next Thursday

Course 3: We had fun with probability today.  No homework.  Chapter 7 test on Monday.

Algebra - Attached are the answers to the worksheet 9.6-9.8.  Have a great weekend!

From Mrs. Canvasser- Please note students do not have LRC with me today, so their planners will need to be filled out on their own.

R. Room Math:  Students have no homework over the weekend.  Enjoy.

C. Reading:  Read.  Only a few students have reading logs due Wednesday.

Humanities: Students presented projects in class today. No homework.

Spanish I: We were busy today!! Classwork--more writing practice; WKST # 8; exercises 15,16,17,18 pp. 157-158. Homework--REPASO (chapter review) ALL  and IN COMPLETE SENTENCES pp 164-166. 2.3 TEST--Thursday and Friday

Pre-Algebra: Today students worked on finishing up the Chapter 6 Test