Science: Watched Bill Nye "Static Electricity" and discussed fuses & circuit breakers. "What is Safe?" projects & paper due Monday, March 21. Unit 4-Electricity test on Friday, March 25.
Geometry: Took the chapter 9 Quest. 10.1 notes are homework. We are hoping to finish chapter 10 before spring break and having the test Thursday, March 31.
Spanish 8 students: Go to my blog to find the study guide, since some of you will not have class on B day this week, since it is a half day. Your chapter test is next week on E day (March 22nd).
Pre-Algebra: We went over solving proportions with a variable, (lesson 6.3). Homework-worksheet 6.3, # 2-20, 25, 27.
Social Studies: Students finished presenting projects and shared current events in class. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Algebra: 2nd and 4th hour took test. 5th hour reviewed, test on Friday. I have attached the 2 review packets (practice test and review stations) we did in class.
LA - students worked on their literary analysis papers and some took their A.R. quiz on "The Outsiders." HW - Finishing their paper.