Science: Lab 20A (Waves) in class.
Geometry: 10.5 Notes (other angle relationships in circles). 10.5 worksheet is homework. 10.1-10.4 quiz tomorrow.
Algebra: 9.2 Homework # 3-41 every other odd. Chapter 8 Retakes are tomorrow at lunch.
Algebra 2: Chapter 10 Test on Thursday.
Pre Algebra: Chapter 6 Test on Wednesday.
Course 3: QUEST Today! No homework.
LA - Continued with The Outsiders. Students took their adverb quiz and homework was collected. Continued reading and discussing Flowers for Algernon. HW - none
Journalism - Continue with final drafts. HW - none
Social Studies: Students took notes on chapter 13 and section 14.1. "Big Ideas" for the day are: Immigration (What?, Who?, Why?). Resistance to Immigration (Who? Why?). Current events are due tomorrow.