Happy Monday!
RR ELA- The reading logs were due today ( 12.19.16) if you did not turn one in, you may do so tomorrow for late points. There will be no reading log over winter break, BUT if you are missing a reading you may turn on in when we return form break ( 1.4.16). In order to receive full points students must read for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days, complete the reader's response section, and have a parent signature for all five days. If you have no reading logs missing, you must still read every night for a minimum of 30 minutes for your general English classes.
RR Math- The red group can finish workbook pages ( week 3, day 1) the blue group worked on homework and test corrections. The signed homework packet and multiplication at sheet are due on/before Tuesday ( 1.10.17) the math test will also be on Tuesday ( 1.10.17)
6th and 7th hour LRC- The holiday party will be on Wednesday ( 12.21.16) students may bring in treats or board games, if you are bringing in a treat please try to stay away from items with any type of nuts in them.
*Bring your AR books to class and home daily!*