Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17

Science: 4th-7th hours peer reviewed their rough drafts of the "How Fast Am I?" lab today. They will have all day tomorrow to work on their final drafts, which are due on Friday. 2nd & 3rd hours did not meet today due to MEAP. They will be working on their rough drafts tomorrow and will peer review on Friday. Final drafts will be due on Monday. See Oct. 15 blog post for a copy of the rubric.

Pre-Algebra: We started section 2.5. Homework: Practice 2.5 side B or C, student's choice (odds only).

Algebra: We talked today about equation solving special cases-when there is no solution, or when everything works. There is no homework tonight. We will have a short quiz on Friday covering equations and inequalities. I have attached the review that students will receive on Thursday.

Humanities: Students completed the MEAP test in the morning (congratulations!) and discussed the presidential debate, analyzed campaign ads and watched a video on English colonization in the afternoon. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

ELA - due to MEAP all morning we only met with hours 4-7 today. Students were given the opportunity to take AR quizzes, check out books, and read to complete their AR requirement for the first marking period. Please be sure that your student is writing in their journal daily at home, they should be on journal entry #32 tonight, counting all School and Home entries. Back to normal tomorrow, we will be reading another Science Fiction Short Story "Future Tense" by Robert Lipsyte. There will be a quiz on both stories read in class as well as terms related with this genre on Friday. Homework: Read! Journal #32

Spanish I: Finish the worksheet on the verb ser. Due by Friday. Study for the 1.2 vocab quiz on Monday. Meet me by the art room tomorrow to go to the lab at Avery

Course 3: I did not see 1st, 2nd, or 3rd hour classes today.  4th hour does not have homework.  5th hour has worksheet 2.7, #13,14, and 22.