Geometry: Investigated tessellations, homework is to complete the tessellation activity (pg. 616-618).
ELA - Students started their next Writer's Workshop today, they should enjoy this one! Persuasive Research, students pick a controversial topic, research it, and write a paper backing their opinion. AR quizzes were due today, hope everyone got theirs in, I had a few emails of students admitting they put it off until the end and aren't done yet. Homework: Journal entry 36 (Journals are due tomorrow, counted and table of contents complete with 36 journal entries)
Spanish I: Begin studying your verbs on the 2.3 study guide for the test after the break.
Tech 8 (Stein): We learned how to modify cells, row and columns in Microsoft Excel. The link to the video and step-by-step exercise we did in class is on
Course 3: Today we worked on finding the percent of increase or decrease of two numbers. Homework is 5 story problems involving percent of change. Most students finished in class.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students worked to find their monthly car costs today, factoring in gas, oil changes, car washes, and insurance. I began checking in with individual student progress today. I will continue to do this tomorrow. Homework: No homework. * We will continue working on this project after break, so we have plenty of time to continue quality research. Discussion topics: Did you have sufficient evidence for all of the numbers you have found so far?
Pre-Algebra: We worked on our scale model projects. Projects are
due on Thursday.
Algebra: We took our Chapter 8 test today. No homework.