Science: Investigating Acceleration activity in class. We also started reviewing for the Unit 1 test. The review is due on Thursday, October 21. Complete sentences or problem solving boxes are required. The review is on page 24. Understanding Vocabulary (#7-13), Reviewing Concepts (#8, 10-15, 20, 21, 24 & 25) & Solving Problems (#3-5 & 8-10). The Unit 1 test is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26.
Geometry: Went over the chapter 2 practice test. Chapter 2 review (odds) is homework. Chapter 2 test is Monday, October 18.
Pre-Algebra: We practiced distributive property. We started notes on lesson 2.3. Homework-worksheet 2.3 # 2-7.
Social Studies: Students discussed current events, checked 4.2 guided reading and were introduced to 4.3 in class.Homework is to complete 4.3 guided reading. Current events due "C" and "F" days. Quiz on Friday, October 22.
LA: Students went to the media center to take their accelerated reader quiz. Once they were done the media specialist showed a video on new books coming out that will be for sale at the book fair. Students also worked on their poetry project and read their novel Nothing but the Truth. HW - Read Nothing but the Truth up to page 39 for Monday. They should be working on their poetry assignments as well.
Art 7/8: Continue working on "IB Cubes". Today we will begin adding color! Advanced Art grade 8: Day #2 on new still life. Continue working on "Flower Puns".
Technology: Students should have finished their Internet Scavenger Hunt and turned it in with the Bibliography attached. EXTRA CREDIT: Hand Sanitizer and Tissues are desperately needed to keep the kids (and me) healthy. I will accept up to a to a total of 5 "submissions" of Extra Credit supplies per marking period.