Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10

Science: Today we completed the notes that we started yesterday and began Investigation 13-B, testing resistance and mystery resistors using Ohm's Law. No homework.

Geometry: Went over the 8.1 worksheet and learned how to construct figures using Cabri Jr. on the graphing calculators. Homework is to complete the 8.2 notes.

Humanities: Students checked 10.3 and began to work on 10.4 summaries in class. Homework is to complete 10.4 summaries. Homework folders are due Monday. Chapter 10 test is on Tuesday.

Algebra(Graham): Started chapter 8. Homework is to finish the notes. Have a great weekend.

Algebra (Hill): Finish Practice problems worksheet 8.1

ELA: Students read quietly, asked questions about yesterday's work on note taking and we did class discussion for Chapters 10-12 of TKM.

Tech (Kennedy): Students worked on their Globalization essay (at least 5 paragraphs) which is due Tuesday, 2/14