Friday, January 6, 2017


Classwork: Last day to work on Kitchen Geometry Project in class.  We will begin mini-unit on composite reflections Monday.

Coming soon! Project due Friday, January 20. Final exam Wednesday, January 25 & Thursday, January 26.

Ramin - ELA

Grammar Quiz Review + "Take Home/Open Note" Grammar Quiz are posted to Google Classroom.

Remember, the quiz is due Monday before 8:15 AM, unless you are attending the study session on Monday at lunch.

Math 8 - Stone

What a quick week!

Wednesday: We got back into our exponential work. We did a growth activity with Skittles. There was not homework that day.

Thursday: You received your quizzes back. Your scores were amazing! We discussed investigation 4.1 which was introducing exponential decay.

Homework: page 66 (1-3, 19-22)

Friday: We finished investigation 4.2 today. We discussed exponential decay again, but added the idea of a decay rate.

Homework: page 66 (4-7, 23)

Spanish 2

Students practiced the preterit tense, specifically -car/-gar/-zar verbs.

Preterit Quiz- Tuesday, January 10


Classwork: Students are continuing to read about energy and the law of conservation. They will review this reading section in class by answering review questions from the text.

Homework: Students need to complete the Potential/Kinetic/Work questions, due Monday.

Canvasser 1.6.17 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- The reading logs are due Monday ( 1.9.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The red group can finish workbook pages ( week 3, day 4) if not completed in class. The signed homework packet is due on/before Tuesday ( 1.10.17) the math test will also be on Tuesday ( 1.10.17). The workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

* Bring your AR books to class and home daily!*

Have a great weekend!