Science: Today we learned how to do "Jigsaw" note-taking by taking notes on pages 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12. Click here for a copy of the Unit 1 notes.
Geometry: Completed the 1.6 notes (polygons), 1.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 1 test is Monday, September 26.
Language Arts: Students used their Vocabulary words in their Journal entry What is your most prized possession? Explain why it is so important to you. What do you think would happen if all the clocks and watches in the world started going backwards. Your own topic. We started the Science Fiction Unit in our Anthology. Students took notes on what Science Fiction is, and we began reading "Rain, Rain, Go Away" by Isaac Asimov. Homework: READ!
Pre-Algebra: We started notes today on order of operations. Homework - worksheet 1.3, # 1 - 9.
Spanish I: flash cards on 1.1 (pg 47) must be done by this Friday, or you will not get a grade for them. Today's homework sheet is due by tomorrow (and you have one week to complete it)
Art 7/8: Students are completing the marker portion of their sketchbook covers. They are putting the sketchbooks together today.
Advanced Art grade 8: Today we begin still life #2. Yesterday first still life was graded. Students are also brainstorming ideas for their "Flower Pun" drawings. Thumbnail sketches will be completed today.
Humanities: Students reviewed current events and worked on a current events packet in class today. Peace day tomorrow...please wear blue and white. Homework is to complete current events and core democratic value packets by THURSDAY.
Algebra (Graham) Finished section 2.1. Ask your son or daughter, "What is the difference between an irrational and a rational number?" Homework: worksheet 2.1B (all)