Science: Today we finished planning the "Is the Force with You?" lab, students will begin collecting data Monday. We will be working on this lab all of next week with peer review on Friday and the lab due Monday, December 7. Unit 2 test will be Friday, December 11.
Geometry: Students took the chapter 4 test, 5.1 notes are homework.
Algebra: Students measured the height and length of the stair case at Norup. They determined that ratio of height to length of each of the stairs was constant the entire way up. No homework this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!
Algebra 2: We finished 5.8 and students had a chance to work on the homework in class. Whatever was not finished is homework due on Monday, Nov. 30th.
Course 3: Baker- Students have 5.5 Homework tonight. Austin- We went over last nights homework. Students did coordinate graphing pictures. No homework.
Pre Algebra: Students checked 3.4 Day 1 and then did an activity. Afterward, we did 3.4 Day 2 which is homework if they do not finish it.
LA - Journal #18 - What are you thankful for? Why? We finished checking the Gerda Klein worksheet then students took a quiz based on the reading. Students worked on Nouns. HW - working on completing the daily journals and their essays. 11/30 - journals are due 90pts. 12/1 - rough draft due (typed). 12/4 - final draft due (typed)
Journalism - Worked on their news articles. HW - none.
Spanish 1: The class took the chapter 1-3 test today. There is no homework over Thanksgiving, but do start on the next chapter vocabulary if you have some time.
Spanish 8: No homework over break. We will be doing a unit on Spain after we come back.
8th Gr Career Tech - Family Budget project, created spreadsheet with formulas to record expenses and income. No homework over Thanksgiving, but students could research expenses.
8th Gr Integrated Tech - Finishing touches on WebQuest - LegoRobotics group is making progress on inventorBot. No Homework over Thanksgiving.