Monday, October 12, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 10/12

Today students turned in their narrative poems and completed a poem reflection writing assignment. Some students had time to read silently while I worked with others on getting their Google Classroom accounts situated.
- Read (30 minutes a night!). 

As a reminder, the reading expectation for the first quarter of ELA 8 is 4 books or 50 points. All first quarter AR quizzes are due by November 4th, but students should not wait until this date to take all of their quizzes. For best results, students know they should take an AR quiz as soon soon as they finish each book. They can take their quizzes in class and/or in the library before school, during lunch or after school.

Students should be reading at home an average of 30 minutes a night and should aim to complete a book about every two weeks. Based on this expectation, students should have read at least two books by this point in the quarter; therefore, I have begun entering grades in Skyward so students can see where they stand. Zeros have been entered into the gradebook for those students who have not yet taken their first quiz. These zeros are not permanent, but it is important for students to understand the significance of the 8th grade reading requirement and how not fulfilling this expectation can affect their grades. I will continue to update the AR quizzes in my gradebook throughout the next couple weeks. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Science- Monday, October 12

Classwork: Continued to deepen our understanding of acceleration by reading, taking notes, and teaching each other about the definition, units and formula related to acceleration.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Which car is accelerating faster, one that goes from 0-60 mph in 10 seconds, or one that goes from 30-90 mph in 10 seconds?

Geometry- Monday, October 12

Classwork: Continued talking about proofs and how practice is how we improve. Students then started working on the review/practice test.

Homework: Finish the review/practice test. See the math folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: Here are some additional links for practicing proofs:


Canvasser 10.12.15 Monday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today. If you did not turn one in, you can turn it in tomorrow.
* New reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)*

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
*Math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*
*Students should study daily*
Students may use the homework packet, workbook pages and notes to study from.