Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3

Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test, no homework.

Science: Began our discussion of Amusement Park physics today with a Pre-Test and video. Tests were returned. No homework. 

Tech 8 (Stein): How to Cite a Site - Website citation activity

Spanish I: Verb conjugations are due on Monday. 3.2 vocab sheet is due on Mon, May 13th, the same day as the vocab quiz.

Humanities: Students checked 16.2, shared current events and began to work on 16.3 section assessment (please pay special attention to the time line!). 16.3 is due Tuesday. Homework folders are due Tuesday.

ELA - Students discussed Day 3 in our study of Historical Fiction.  We discussed setting and the way it changes throughout the story.  Students used "Stop and Jot" skills to keep track of important details related to the setting and the time period of the book. Homework: READ Chapters 7 & 8

Pre-Algebra: We started reviewing today.  Compound interest is challenging.  Assignment:  Practice Test (1-30) and Standardized Test (1-11).  We started working in class.  Whatever is not complete is homework.  Test will be on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!

Algebra: Solving Quadratics!  We are on our 3rd method of solving quadratics.  We did section 10.5 extension today.  Homework: evens only (attached)  Have a great weekend!

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: We discussed the basic requirements for the final project of the year - to create a small business. Homework: Students must come prepared with their business idea on Monday. Discussion topics: What kind of product or service do you think you will offer with your business?

Course 3: Today we started to talk about similar figures.  Homework is a similar figures sheet, 1 - 24. 2nd and 5th hour-No homework.