Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14

Science: 2nd & 3rd hour took the unit 2 test. All other classes began discussing unit 3: Work & Energy. Lab re-do's for 3rd, 5th & 7th hour are due Thursday.

Geometry: Took the chapter 5 test. 6.1 notes for homework.

Chapter 4 Test tomorrow. Study guide: Pg. 941 # 9,10, 19-21, 27-32 Pg. 240 # 20, 24-32 Pg. 219 # 13, 16, 18 Pg. 248 # 32-35

Pre Algebra: R
etake Chapter 3 Test tomorrow at lunch. No homework tonight.

Course 3:
Baker- Chapter 5 Test on Wednesday. Review day today. Austin- We went over homework, multiplying and dividing decimals. We started talking about mean, median, mode, and range. NO homework. 3rd hour-finish #1-12 on worksheet 5.7.

Algebra 2:
No homework.

Social Studies:
Students reviewed 8.2 & 8.3 in class. "Big Ideas" for the day: 1) Westward migration after the revolution. 2) Articles of Confederation failed. 3) Constitution equals compromise! There is no homework due tomorrow, but students can begin to work on notes for 8.2 & 8.3 that we will do in class tomorrow. Current events are due Wednesday.

LA - Students finished and discussed Ch 5-6 worksheets. I collected their homework (the worksheets and the vocabulary).Students took a quiz on Ch5-6. HW - none

Journalism - We discussed new topics for the next edition. HW - none.

Career Tech - Family Budget is in full swing. The Design stage of the Design Cycle is Due Tuesday, Dec 15th.

Integrated Tech - "Roverbot" is due from all teams by Friday Dec. 18th.

Spanish 1: There is a p. 121 vocabulary quiz on Thursday. For tomorrow, please finish the oral questions (section A) from the guía de estudiar for the chapter.

Spanish 8: We looked at Spanish proverbs. For tomorrow, please memorize one that you like.