Science: Wrapped up lab 3B (Conservation of energy) by discussing why the car's actual speed is less than what was predicted based on it's potential energy. Where did the energy go if it didn't all turn into kinetic energy? Potential & Kinetic energy worksheet is homework. Unit 3 quiz on Wednesday, January 13.
Geometry: Completed 6.6 notes (Proportionality Theorems) and took the 6.1-6.5 quiz. 6.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 6 test Thursday, January 14.
Algebra: We spent the entire class period going over the worksheets. Students engaged in a class discussion on real world math problems involving rate of change and writing linear equations.
Algebra 2: We checked the worksheets from last class period and students turned in their homework. Students learned 6.6 and have 6.6 homework over the weekend.
Pre Algebra: We went over the 4.6 Worksheet as a class. Students should review Chapter 4 this weekend by looking over their notes and redoing some examples on their own.
Course 3: Baker- Today we went over the worksheets from last class period. We will start 6.3 on Monday. No homeworking over the weekend. Austin- We reviewed and practiced multi-step equations all hour. No homework.
LA - Journal #5 - vocabulary crossword puzzle. We read 2 ½ chapters of the "Pigman". HW - none
Journalism - rough draft articles are due today. Students discussed improvements on the newspaper.
Spanish 1: We are working on final details and drilling chapter 2-1. The test is Wednesday and Thursday. Please spend time drilling and memorizing vocabulary and -ar verb conjugations.
Spanish 8: We are watching El libro de la selva (Jungle Book) in Spanish. No homework over the weekend.
Career Tech - Students are presenting their "Family Budget" projects
Integrated Tech - Inventor Bot is due today.