Science: Worked on notes for images & lenses. Waves & Light "Quest" is Tuesday, June 1. The quest is open note and corrections for 1/2 credit will be available, much like a quiz, but it counts as a test.
Geometry: Went over the practice test, students need to be extra vigilant showing their work! Chapter 12 review is homework. Chapter 12 test tomorrow.
Algebra: 11.1 Notes and Homework Pg. 713-714 #4, 8, 10, 18. 22, 24, 26, 32, 34, 41
Algebra 2: 11.4 Notes and homework
Pre Algebra: Checked slope worksheet and went over linear equations
Course 3: Went over 11.5. Quiz tomorrow. Austin- We went over 11.6 homework. We took a homework quiz. No homework.
LA - rough drafts were due today and counted as a homework grade. Student's peer edited each other's papers. HW - grammar packet is due tomorrow and student's should be working on their final drafts. Final papers are due 5/27 or 6/1.
Journalism - students peer edited their papers. Final drafts are due Thursday 5/28. HW - none
Social Studies: Students reviewed 17.4 section assessment and reviewed for chapters 16/17 quiz. Quiz and homework folders are due Wednesday, May 26, 2010.
Career Tech - Family Budget is in the Create stage of the Design Cycle. Presentations will begin on Thursday, My 27th.
Integrated Tech - Battle Bots due for first heat June 2nd.